Secure your future
By entrusting your land to us, via sale or lease, you can grow your business, generating immediate revenue while adding significant value to your operations.
Support your land’s legacy
We put you, your land, nature, and communities at the heart of our projects, prioritising conservation and ecosystem restoration, such as wildflower meadows and planting native trees to create thriving habitats around our projects.
Become the future of farming
Natural power projects offer diversification opportunities for your business, while services such as agricultural technology and EV charging stations for your farm give you the infrastructure you need to go net zero and support regenerative farming.
Help your community thrive
From providing local jobs during project development and operation, to offering new opportunities like EV charging, local clean energy supplies, and connecting underdeveloped rural zones.

Explore your land’s potential

How to use:

  1. Enter your postcode or land parcel number
  2. View your land on our map
  3. Get in touch to find out more about how your land could benefit
  • Planning
  • Construction
  • Operation

We can assess any land parcel in the UK to determine its suitability to host the next generation of energy transition assets. The best way of understanding if your land is suitable is to register your interest on the form below and one of our trusted team of land managers, who work across the UK, will assess your land with you over the phone.

You can either sell or lease your land to NatPower UK; we want to find the form of partnership that suits you, your land, your business and your community, best. That could be selling your land, a long-term lease (100 years) or a 40 year lease.

NatPower UK and yourself will agree and sign a digital Heads of Terms that will set out the parameters of our deal and how NatPower UK can proceed with legal, planning, or technical due diligence on your land to further establish the site’s appropriateness for development.

NatPower UK and yourself will agree and sign a digital Heads of Terms that will set out the parameters of our deal and how NatPower UK can proceed with legal, planning, or technical due diligence on your land to further establish the site’s appropriateness for development.

Once this is complete, a standard Land Purchase Agreement or lease option will be generated and executed by both parties whilst a planning application is also prepared. This will subsequently be submitted to the Local Authority and, if approved, NatPower UK will have a certain amount of time to execute the land purchase or lease option. 

NatPower UK and yourself will agree and sign a digital Heads of Terms that will set out the parameters of our deal and how NatPower UK can proceed with legal, planning, or technical due diligence on your land to further establish the site’s appropriateness for development.

NatPower is a champion of local communities, engaging with local citizens throughout the process and helping to grow rural agricultural communities. As part of every project, we will establish a Community Benefit Fund as well as helping to provide local jobs, producing new opportunities like EV charging, local clean energy supplies and infrastructure, and connecting rural areas.

Ultimately, the existence of energy transition assets will also increase your community’s access to affordable, clean energy and electric vehicle charging stations, helping develop the most energy-efficient communities in the UK.

All projects will incorporate a range of ecological enhancements on their respective sites, prioritising conservation and ecosystem restoration. This will in turn improve the local environment – and crop success – through an increase in biodiversity, pollinators and small wildlife.

Because we work fast and we deliver. NatPower UK is doing things differently – we place landowners, land, nature and local communities at the centre of our work. Due to our focus on digitisation and data, we work more efficiently than with other developers, no time wasted. We have an incredible track record in the UK and in over 20 countries; and we commit to delivering on all of our projects – supported by significant financial backing to do so.

A renewable energy asset on your land will provide a valuable income stream to you and your business, supporting you to continue doing the farming you love on other parts of your land for generations to come. Sheep can also continue to graze around solar farms, doubling the use of that land parcel.

Additionally, as electric vehicle charging stations are developed by us near your land, these can be a source of electrification for agricultural operations and machinery. With fixed energy tariffs, we can help protect your business from fluctuating energy prices.

Through our energy transition assets, like solar, wind or battery storage, as well as charging stations for electric vehicles for rural communities, our projects can give you the infrastructure you need to go net zero.

This ensures that you can keep farming, while future-proofing and diversifying your business, through access to clean power sources.

An electrified, zero carbon farm also enables farmers to sell their produce as a carbon free product – it leaves you better suited to sustain the impact of food competition, cost increases and maintain agricultural profits.

Get in touch with NatPower UK

Level 8, Lily House

13 Hanover Square

London W1S 1HN

Contact Form – Landowners

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